Cataclysm Classic PvP Boost

PvP Boosting in World of Warcraft Cataclysm (Cata) Classic allows players to obtain any PvP reward from Gladiator title to Conquest or Honor points cap in the shortest time possible. These services are 100% safe in Self-play mode, so our team guarantees you safe and fast delivery!

The Best PvP Boosting Services in WoW Cataclysm Classic

PvP boost category consists of 24 services (including additional options) in WoW Cataclysm Classic. However, players purchase only 4 of them in 75% of cases. Here's a complete list of the best PvP boosting services in Cataclysm Classic:

  • Arena Rating Boosting – a rating boost service available in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 modes in WoW Cataclysm. Arena carries allow lower-skilled players to boost their PvP skills, achieve any rating (1800, 2000, 2200, and Gladiator), and compete for seasonal rewards and ladder position.
  • Conquest and Honor points farm – this service involves farming the required amount of currency that players use to purchase PvP gear for their characters. This PvP service is so popular because it allows characters to farm the required number of PvP currency. It allows gamers to obtain any amount of Conquest and Honor points cap within 4-5 hours avoiding battlegrounds and arena skirmishes.
  • Gladiator Carries - in demand among players who want to achieve the best PvP title in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Each season, gamers compete in the 3v3 ladder to collect this reward, but only the top 0,5% of them receive it.

You can purchase other PvP boosts on our website in addition to these services. If you don't find the best service for you – we'll provide a custom offer, as our professional PvP boosters are ready to help you obtain any reward in WoW Cataclysm Classic.

Reasons to Buy PvP Boosts in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic

In Cataclysm Classic, over 50% of players with gaming experience from previous World of Warcraft expansions have problems with increasing their PvP rating. Even Gladiator gamers found they couldn't boost their rating above 1600 in 2v2 and 3v3 arena ladders. But how did some players get elite titles like Rank 1 Gladiator, while others couldn't achieve the Duelist rating? It's all because WoW Cataclysm has its own PvP features, which become hard for boosters from other expansions. In this paragraph, we'll explore the main reasons why gamers buy PvP boosts in Cataclysm Classic, and what problems these services solve.

  • 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 arena fights – many players don't know how to fight against certain arena comps (like double damage dealers - rogue and mage) and lose 90% of the time. But selecting the right composition of classes and good teammates solve the problem. PvP boosting allows players to select the best teammate and conquer climb up the Cataclysm Classic arena leaderboard.
  • Fast and safe service – by choosing the Self-play option for your PvP boost in WoW Cataclysm, you secure your account and game character. The service is provided without sharing the account data, and the delivery process looks like it’s a normal gameplay, where our PvP boosters play with you in one team.
  • Professional boosters – our PvP boosters are multiple-time Rank 1 Gladiators in WoW Cataclysm seasons and other expansions. You can quickly reach 1800, 2000, and even 2200+ rating in any arena bracket because of their experience and skill.

PvP boosting services in Cataclysm (Cata) Classic solve many problems for World of Warcraft gamers. In 85% of cases, the stated reasons become the main indicator for players purchasing these services. However, in the other 15% of cases, gamers usually face negative PvP experiences, which demoralize them from trying to raise their rating on their own and push them towards buying these services.