Cataclysm Classic 100,000 Gold

Buy our special Cataclysm Classic 100,000 gold offer and forget about running short on gold in World of Warcraft ever again. Gold is the main currency in any World of Warcraft expansion, and farming Gold is one of the core mechanics of the game. But only a handful of WoW players know how to farm Gold properly, others are always struggling with it. Our Cataclysm Classic 100,000 gold special offer solves all the gold-related problems and ensures that you would not have to farm gold in WoW ever again.

Cataclysm Classic 100,000 Gold

Service delivery options

Cataclysm Classic 100,000 gold boost basically gets you 100,000 gold instantly. There are a couple of ways to deliver that amount of gold to you:

  • Mail delivery – we will simply send you the mail with 100,000 gold in it and a little text saying “thank you” to make it look like he is paying you for a service or an item.
  • Face to Face trade – basic trade transaction. We advise you to put something in the trade window in return. The item does not have to be expensive or anything valuable.
  • Guild Bank trade – either you invite our booster to your guild or our booster invites you to theirs. Please note that if you choose to invite our booster to your guild, once the gold is placed into your bank, we lose control over what happens to it after and the trade is considered to be completed. You need to make sure that no one else would be able to withdraw the gold from your guild bank, anyone that is not supposed to, a random guild member etc.
  • Auction Trading – you’ll place an item on the auction house for sale for an absurd price. The item can be whatever you want it to be. It doesn't have to be valuable. Our booster will purchase your item and you’ll get your gold 1 hour later via mail sent to you from the AH.

Whatever delivery method you choose, we’ll deliver the gold within a space of a few hours, depending on your Cataclysm Classic population. Act now and forget about farming, grinding and scrolling through Auction House. With our Cataclysm Classic 100,000 gold deal, you’ll be able to afford an epic flying mount, powerful BoE gear for all your characters and anything else in Cataclysm Classic you desire.


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